Rhubarb wine

  1. Take 3-5 sticks of rhubarb (1kg rhubarb to 3.3l of water), slice them and put into the freezer. The cells will expand and burst, releasing the flavour.
  2. Next day remove the frozen rhubarb and put it in a pan to defrost. Add 6 pints of boiling water to the pan
  3. Over the next two days, leave the mixture in the pan and every so often mash with a potato masher
  4. Then put in a muslin and squish.
  5. Pour the liquid into a demijohn.
  6. Add sugar - 1lb.(Can add up to 2lb).
  7. Add wine yeast
  8. Bubble bubble.......for 2-3 weeks
  9. If tastes alcoholic, good. If not, add more sugar
  10. Leave to clear
  11. Stop it by adding a Camden tablet.
  12. Siphon into bottle


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