Slow cooker Sweet and Sour Chicken
So glad you enjoyed the meal.
Well, you're right about it being a bit of this and a bit of that; I don't think it turns out quite the same each time! I can give you a rough idea, though, and I don't think you can go far wrong really.
I use my big slow cooker and do a lot to feed us/the family/house group/the freezer as it's quite good-tempered about keeping and freezing, but you can reduce the quantities to suit yourselves.
6 skinless chicken breasts, chopped bite-size
3 chopped onions and as much garlic as you personally like
6 chopped carrots
3 peppers (various colours)
Sweetcorn (I don't always use this, but add a small tin at the end or if I feel posh chopped fresh baby corn in with the veg earlier)
Large jar sweet 'n 'sour sauce (a lower sugar one is less syrupy)
Chicken stock pot (one of the jelly ones) diluted in hot water as directed *
432g Tesco pineapple chunks, drained
Fresh ginger, chopped or grated; again to taste, but at least I tablespoon. I sometimes add more later as I love fresh ginger!
Black pepper
Method (not complicated!)
Brown chicken in some oil and set aside
Fry onion, garlic, carrots, peppers and baby corn for about 5 mins
Add chicken and everything else!
* The amount of liquid is a bit of a guess; depends on how you're cooking it and how much sauce you want.The slow cooker needs much less liquid than an oven casserole and I tend to go by the look of it and reduce it with the lid off at the end if I think it looks too sloppy.
The slow cooker takes about 6 hours on low. An oven casserole maybe 2 hours on a low heat? I've never done it in the oven, but you could look up any chicken casserole recipe as a guide.
Goes well with rice or naan, or both if you're hungry or feeding a youth group! (In this case you can add a lot more veg and still get away with it! Green beans are good...)
Hope this makes enough sense for you to give it a go.

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